Public & International Affairs Interview Rubric
3 - Exceeds Expectations
2 - Meets Expectations
1 - Below Expectations
Self Reflection - Student demonstrates their ability to reflect on personal achievement, qualities, and personal challenges.
Motivation to Make a Difference - Student demonstates their motivation and drive to have made a difference in the lives of others. Student articulates a long-term goal to make a difference in the world.
Creative and Critical Thinking - Student shows an awareness of global issues and can make clear connections between domestic and global issues. Student demonstrates critical thinking skills in regards to current issues in the news.
Reflection on Middle School/High School Experience - Student illustrates a connection between their middle school/high school experience and their plans beyond school.
Goals Beyond Middle School/High School - Student identifies goals and a visioin beyond Middle School and possibly beyond High School. Student has a clear understanding of the steps necessary to achieve goals.
Delivery and Language - Student presents himself as mature, polite and engaging. Student uses proper language and enunciates his/her responses.