School Psychologist
Student Services
Welcome to the Upper Freehold Department of Student Services. The Department of Student Services works collaboratively with district staff, parents, and students to provide a free and appropriate public education to any student with a disability, ages 3 through 21, who is determined to be eligible for special education programs and/or services, per N.J.A.C. 6A:14. The administrative team provides leadership for a wide range of professional staff members and support personnel, including school psychologists, learning consultants, social workers, speech/language specialists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, sign language interpreters, special education teachers, and instructional assistants.
The Upper Freehold Regional School District provides a continuum of special education and related services to eligible students, including out-of-district programs in public and private settings. Services are designed to provide learning in a least restrictive environment and will include various placement options, such as in-district self-contained classes, resource in-class and pull-out replacement programs, general education programs with appropriate accommodations and modifications, and related services. All programs and services are based upon individual students' needs as determined by each student's individualized education plan (IEP).

Director: Email Margarita Baldeo
Administrative Assistant: Email Louise San Nicola ext. 3350
Mrs. Margarita Baldeo is the Director of Student Services at Upper Freehold Regional School District. In addition to providing support for staff members, Mrs. Baldeo is deeply committed to developing strong partnerships between parents, community members and the school district in order to provide the best outcomes for students requiring special education services. She is passionate about developing a continuum of programs for students including their mental health needs.
Prior to coming to Upper Freehold Regional School District, Mrs. Baldeo was the Supervisor of Student Services and Programs for the Hamilton Township School District, where she was responsible for supervising the special education programs, child study team members, related service providers, school counselors, nurses, and student assistance counselors. As a licensed clinical mental health clinician, Mrs. Baldeo has also served as the traumatic loss coalition liaison in prior districts, which granted her the opportunity to provide vital staff training on mental health topics and provide crisis counseling and psycho educational play therapy interventions to children, adolescents, and families. Mrs. Baldeo's background in mental health provided her the opportunity to implement a multi-tiered mental health system of support that would provide access to resources to all students when needed. Mrs. Baldeo is a strong community advocate for at-risk children and adolescents where she frequently volunteers her time to provide bilingual clinical services to vulnerable populations. Mrs. Baldeo is passionate about working with underrepresented populations, fostering community outreach, and promoting educational access for all students.
Meet the Student Services Team Members
Newell Elementary Child Study Team Office
Secretary - Email Louise San Nicola ext. #2122

Dona Daesener

Dr. Valentina Ventola-Ward
School Psychologist
Stone Bridge Middle School Child Study Team Office
Secretary - Email Kelly Buckalew ext. 5802

Christi Santora
School Psychologist

Louise Smith
Allentown High School Child Study Team Office
Secretary - Email Kelly Buckalew ext. 1427

Kathleen Kiley
School Psychologist
Related Service Providers

Wendy Ray
Speech Therapist

Dr. Aimee Greenbaum
Physical Therapist

Rachel Rondinelli
Occupational Therapist