Established in 1895 as “School #1 of Upper Freehold Township District," the UFRSD has grown and progressed into one of New Jersey’s highest achieving school districts. The opening of Allentown High School in 1924 was considered a town landmark in Allentown’s history. The district now serves more than 2100 students across Allentown, Upper Freehold, Cream Ridge and Millstone.
The Upper Freehold Regional School District is committed to the whole student education - providing an EXCEPTIONAL EDUCATION and a NEXT LEVEL EXPERIENCE for all students. Guiding students to realize their potential, pursue their dreams, and achieve their goals. #nextlevelredbirds
Our Mission:
All Learners Welcomed, Accepted As They Are,
Nourished, Nurtured, and Challenged,
Rooted in Community, Inspired to Excellence,
Forming Wings, Realizing Dreams
Able to Contribute, To the Waiting World.