Buildings & Grounds

The Buildings and Grounds Department includes custodial operations, grounds care and building maintenance.  The number one responsibility of this department is the health, safety and welfare of the staff and Students who learn and work within the UFRSD each day.  Services associated with the physical environment include; general maintenance, custodial, grounds, athletic field set ups, plumbing, painting, minor electrical, HVAC, carpentry, flooring, deliveries, fire safety, general building safety, signage, parking lot maintenance and energy management.

The Buildings and Grounds department maintains:
  • Over 300 thousand square feet of buildings on more than 200 acres of land
  • All district owned facilities and property
  • Athletic fields including soccer, lacrosse, football, field hockey, baseball, softball, tennis and track

The Department follows all state mandated guidelines in Hazardous Communications Standards, Integrated Pest Management, safety compliance and building construction codes.

Facility Use

The Board of Education believes that the school facilities of this district should be made available for community purposes, provided that such use does not interfere with the educational program of the schools.

The Board will permit the use of the school facility when such permission has been requested in writing and has been approved by the Superintendent or designee.

Please note that the revised UFRSD Application for Building and/or Grounds replaces all prior versions of this application form and must be used for any applications to be honored.  The form is available by clicking on the link to the left.

  • Thomas Buffa
    Director of Buildings and Grounds
    (609) 259-7292 ext. #3446
  • Wendy High
    Assistant to the Director of Buildings and Grounds
    (609) 259-7292 ext. #3445